Growing up I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house. I spent nearly every weekend there, and most of every one of my summer breaks there. And of course I was there for every single family get together, which was quite often.
My family was a very close one. All of my grandparents children and their kids (my cousins), got together regularly at my grandparents house every weekend for dinner. We always got together to celebrate every family member's birthday, and every single wedding anniversary. We also got together every Easter, Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.
My grandparents not only lived in the house, but my aunt (my dad's younger sister) and her two children did too.
Spending time in that house was kinda' creepy. I never discussed it with anyone when I was a kid, but I remember that no matter what room you were in, it always felt like you were being watched, it was very eerie.
I remember many times playing in the basement or in a bedroom in that house with my cousins and/or my brother, and feeling like I was being "watched". It was even stronger if you were alone in the room, and it was really creepy. You'd feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
I remember many times looking over my shoulder expecting to see someone there, positive someone was in the room, of course only to see nothing.
Even when playing outside of that house, I'd find myself looking up to a window expecting to see someone looking out at us, but there was never anyone in the window. Sometimes out of the corner of my eye, I'd catch what looked like someone ducking around a corner. I'd go investigate only to find nothing.
In that house you'd hear what sounded exactly like footsteps walking around up in the attic, and the footsteps would "walk" down the attic steps and simply stop at the attic doorway (which happend to be in one of the bedrooms, which by the way is where I slept many, many times), and was always severely creeped out to say the very least.
I thought I was the only one to hear the footsteps, since I was usually alone when I heard it, and many times ran to one of my grandparents absolutely creeped out to tell them what I heard. My grandparents always told me that it was "squirrels". I remember thinking, 'squirrels make that much noise when they walk?', but I was small and believed their explanation, after all I had no reason to doubt them.
I remember one night sitting in the living room watching t.v with my grandparents, no one else was there in the house with us. Right above our heads it sounded like someone walking around. You could hear faint footsteps and the floor squeaking, just like it did when someone walked around upstairs in the bedrooms. My grandparents knew I was scared I guess by the look on my face, and casually told me that it was "the floor boards settling".
At times it wasn't just footsteps, but it sounded like kids running around, playing up stairs. I remember once in the daytime being in the kitchen with my grandma, no one else was in the house with us and it sounded like people/kids playing, running around upstairs. It creeped me out. I looked up at my grandma who was peeling potatoes for dinner. She put down the potato she was peeling, along with the peeler and went down the hall to the bottom of the stairs. She stopped, looked up the stairs and yelled "you guys keep it down up there, someone could get hurt".
Immediately the noise stopped.
My grandma came back to the kitchen and continued to peel the potato she had been peeling. I was staring at her and said "who were you talking to just now?" She simply smiled at me and said "oh, now don't you worry". My feeling was okay, if my grandma wasn't too worried, then I figured I shouldn't be either, and didn't bother to mention it again. Whenever I heard the running around upstairs when no one was up there I would simply pay no attention to it.
My grandparents lived in that house until they sold it in the 1980s, I was 14.
Unfortunately, as families sometimes do, my family kind of drifted apart after my grandfather's passing in 1987. My family just did not get together as much as we used to. My grandma passed away in 1995.
It was a couple of years after my grandma's passing when much of my family was at a family get-together at my parents house.
I can't remember who brought it up first, but we were all laughing, sharing many stories. We were all reminiscing about happy memories we all shared in that house, when someone brought up the fact that they always felt being "watched" in the house, and found the house to be very creepy.
Everyone started sharing their feelings and experiences, and I found out that I wasn't the only one to experience all the strange happenings!
My cousins, and my brother shared them also. Including hearing the footsteps, only to have my grandparents tell them "it was squirrels", to hearing what sounded like kids running around upstairs. Apparently my grandma "scolded" the noise makers in front of them too, leaving them also wondering who she was talking to.
My aunt who lived there with my grandparents said she hated being home alone in that house because she always felt like someone was watching her. She too heard the footsteps and strange noises, and said she never believed it was the floor boards settling or squirrels. My uncle (my dad's younger brother) and my mom shared similar feelings and experiences, and of feeling eerily creeped out.
The only one who had never experienced anything was my dad.
I had two cousins that were killed in a car accident back in the 1960s before I was born. They were only little girls at the time of the accident. Apparently my grandma believed they were behind all the strange noise of the running around and laughter in the house. I discovered that night that my grandma claimed to see these deceased cousins of mine from time to time.
I also discovered that day that I'm not the only one in my family who "sees" or experiences things other people do not.
My aunt, uncle and younger cousin all have this ability also. Oddly enough they're on my dad's side, dad, the same man who has never experienced anything unusual or "paranormal". His mom, my "Nana" apparently shared this ability also. My children have also gone on to have very odd "paranormal" experiences as well.
For many years after my grandparents moved out of that house, many of my family members including myself would go by the house when in that neighbourhood. The home was never occupied or owned for very long. Continually you would see a 'for sale' sign or a 'for rent' sign in front of the home. The house would be occupied one time, empty the next.
Not sure if the "ghosts" have moved on, but there has not been a for sale sign or for rent sign in front of that house for the last 10 years or more. The house has appeared to be regulary occupied.
The house as it stands today
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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