It is truly amazing how far down the depths of depression can go. I don't think anyone can even begin to imagine any of it, until you have actually experienced it for yourself.
For far too long I was being pulled in too many directions. I felt as though I was struggling to barely keep my head above water and I was getting extremely close to being pulled under.
One night, feeling so worn down and broken, I began to cry. I prayed to God to let me know that He had my back, that I wasn't going it alone. And alone is exactly how I felt. I felt like I was trudging my way through complete and utter darkness and I could not see, no matter what direction I looked in.
I had no idea where I was going. I couldn't help but wonder why things had to be so tough. I couldn't help but wonder why life doesn't give us clues. Where are the road maps to help us get to where we should be? How do we get there?
I then spoke out into the darkness and asked my grandparents if they were still with me. I told them that I felt all alone, and I could really use some help, that I didn't know what to do anymore. I asked them for some much needed guidance. I also prayed to God for guidance.
I eventually fell asleep.
I began to dream the most amazing, realistic dream. It was as if I truly was there and experiencing it.
It was all white and blurry in the dream, and then it started to clear and things began to clearly come into focus. I found myself standing on my grandparent's old street. It was winter time and there were Christmas lights strung on all of the houses on the street. Just up ahead I saw their old familiar house. The same house that held most of my childhood memories. And what wonderful memories they were.
I began walking and took note of how real it all felt. I could smell the cold, crispness of the air. It was so cold that my nose began to feel cold. I could hear the crunching of the snow under my feet as I walked. Then I smelt that old familiar smell that I absolutely love. Whenever I smell it, it takes me right back to my childhood. It was the smell of my grandparents fireplace burning.
I reached their driveway and headed down the long familiar trek to the back door. As I rounded the corner and entered the back yard, I saw their old dog. She came running over to greet me and seemed very happy to see me. I was so happy to see her that I began to cry. She was not the slow, old dog I remembered, but was so energetic, happy and playful, just like a puppy.
With the dog at my heels, following me, I walked up the back steps and opened the back door. As soon as I walked in, from the back porch I could smell that old familiar smell of my grandparents baking something yummy.
I opened up the kitchen door and walked into the kitchen. The old familiarity of their kitchen brought back a flood of memories. I began to get tears in my eyes. I could not wait to see my grandparents.
Just as I always did, I took off my coat and hung it on the hook in the kitchen. I then took of my boots and placed them neatly beneath my coat, on the mat that my grandma always had for everyone to place their wet boots on.
I headed down the hallway. As I entered the living room, everything was just as it was when I was a kid. I noticed however that there were some open boxes in the living room that contained Christmas decorations in them. It appeared that they were going to be doing some decorating around the house for Christmas.
The living room was so cozy. The fireplace was going and smelt wonderful. My grandma was sitting in her rocking chair knitting and my grandpa was sitting in his rocking chair reading a magazine. Their television was on but very low.
As I walked into the living room my grandma put down her knitting, smiled and said, "Well look who's finally here."
She stood up and gave me a big kiss on the cheek and hugged me so tightly, just as she always would.
My grandpa stood up and said, "Well hey you." He too gave me a big kiss on the cheek and one of his old familiar loving, tight hugs. I immediately smelled that old familiar smell of his cologne.
I was so happy to see them both that I was crying. They both had tears in their eyes and I could tell that they were just as happy to see me as I was to see them. They both sat back down in their chairs, and told me to have a seat, that we had much to talk about.
I could not believe it was really them. They both looked so healthy and vibrant. I was so happy to see them.
I told them how much I had missed them. I then began to tell them how things had changed with our family, how no one in our extended family really got together anymore (my aunts, uncles, cousins etc.) since their *my grandparent's) passing.
I then began telling them about how I had gone back to school to become a nurse. I went on to tell them about my children and what they were all like. I shared many funny and cute stories about my children with them. And of course, my grandparents got a kick out of the things I told them.
I talked to them about all the things they'd missed out on since they had passed away. I then went on to tell them about all of the recent difficulties I had been going through.
Both of my grandparents began explaining to me that we all have a purpose in our life. That purpose is decided long before we enter our lifetime on earth. They explained that the trials and tribulations are all part of why we choose to be on earth, even if none of it makes sense to us at the time.
They told me that the experiences we have can and will change us, but it is up to us how our experiences change us. We can choose to learn from our experiences and allow our experiences to better us, or we can choose to not learn and continue making the same mistakes over again, never bettering ourselves.
We can choose to strive to become a better person, more caring, more kind, more compassionate. Or, we can become cold, mean and bitter. It is our choice. We can also choose to touch others lives in a positive way, or we can choose to interact with those around us in a negative and destructive way.
They explained to me how energy is all around us, in us, and every single thought, decision and word we speak has a tremendous effect on it all. Our thoughts even affect us on a higher sub-conscious level. Our thoughts and words affect our energy, our spiritual self, and that is directly related to our physical self.
I know it all sounds crazy, but it made complete sense to me.
As they continued explaining all of this to me, they also told me that we are never alone. They talked about God and his/her infinite love for each and every one of us. They talked to me about angels and how they really do help us in our time of need. They aren't always the typical winged creatures we think of, but may come simply as a kind stranger right at the exact time we needed them to be there.
They explained to me how God, our Creator is always communicating to us but many of us fail to listen or heed the advice given. Quieting ourselves and listening to that true inner part of us is our higher spirit communicating with God.
Everything they told me brought me such immense comfort. I no longer felt alone. As well, the unbelievable love that I could feel emanating from them was so intense. It brought me to tears.
After talking some more to me, they eventually told me that I needed to get back, that I had little ones to take care of. I thought of my children and smiled.
I then asked about all of the boxes of Christmas decorations and why they had them out since it wasn't Christmastime. My grandma explained that they had been very busy getting everything ready for when we all come home.
I wasn't quite sure what that meant, and I honestly didn't care. I knew that eventually we'd all be together again one day, and I was looking forward to it. I was excited about seeing everyone again. The thought of all of my family together again at my grandparents house visiting, playing games, sitting around talking, telling jokes, just like when I was growing up, warmed my heart.
The one thing I remember clearly growing up was the constant sound of laughter that always filled my grandparent's home.
I thought back to my childhood, about my various family members writing songs and recording their music in the basement studio. Listening to them playing their guitars, etc., and singing, all brought back such wonderful memories.
My grandma told me, "Hurry back, and go do all that you need to do and do not waste one single day because it will all go by in a flash. And before you know it, we'll all be together again."
She told me to live my life to the fullest and to never waste my time looking back, to always look forward. She stressed to me my significance in this lifetime, and how every single one of us is significant.
While we may not realize our importance, or even feel all that important at times, or that we're even making much of a difference; she explained how every single person we ever interact with, we are touching their life in a profound way, more than we could even begin to imagine.
Then she mentioned my children and my tremendous impact in their lives. She reminded me that it was up to me to ensure that they fulfill their purpose in their lives, by carrying out my purpose.
It all made perfect sense to me.
I then began to wonder about how I was going to get back home. My grandpa told me to relax and told me that I'd be back in no time.
I hugged them both so tightly and said good-bye. Everything began to fade away.
The next thing I knew, I was laying on my bed again. I opened my eyes and realized it had all simply been a dream. Yet the realness of it was unimaginable. I could still feel the way they felt in my arms. It was truly as if I had just hugged them. The smell of their baked goods, the fireplace and my grandpa's cologne was still so fresh and vivid in my mind.
I laid in my bed for the longest time thinking about the entire dream and how real it all seemed. I closed my eyes and began to cry. It was such a wonderful dream.
That dream gave me an immense amount of inner strength. I found a strength in me that I did not know existed. I thought I had nothing left, yet that experience gave me the courage and determination to make some very big, significant changes in my life, and all for the better.
~My Papa~
~My Nana~
Did I really visit with my grandparents in my dream? I honestly have no idea. I have no way to prove whether I truly did or not, but I very much believe that I did, and I'm not the only one that believes it is possible. Many people from all walks of life, all over the world report encounters with deceased loved ones in their dreams. Many people report that during these encounters, their loved ones impart wisdom or words of encouragement. And, many people insist these "dreams" are more than simply a dream, that it all felt far too real to simply be dismissed as "just a dream".
I don't believe for one moment that death is the end, it is simply a transition.
"...there is a vast amount of information about the phenomena of death, transition and "otherworlds" available to us that is much more sophisticated than most people realize."
Roger J. Woogler
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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