After each of my children were born, they slept beside my bed in a bassinet for the first few months.
When they outgrew the bassinet, the went into their crib that was kept right beside my bed.
When they outgrew the bassinet, the went into their crib that was kept right beside my bed.
Although, for the most part, they all pretty much slept in my bed every night, right beside me.
I am one of those mom's that slept more soundly if my baby was right next to me, in bed with me. It also made breastfeeding through the night much easier.
I am one of those mom's that slept more soundly if my baby was right next to me, in bed with me. It also made breastfeeding through the night much easier.
As I've stated in my other posts on here, I moved back into my parents home when my daughter's were only 2 and 4 years of age. I was attending college full-time and my mom baby-sat for me.
Just before graduating from college, I became pregnant with my son while still living in my parent's home with my husband.
One night, when my son was only a few months old, he began to stir. I woke up knowing that he was probably hungry, and was waking to feed. I kept a small night lite on in the bedroom, so that when I did get up through the night I could see easily in the dark room.
I sat up after hearing my son begin to stir, and when I looked to his bassinet, I saw the dark shape and outline of a child hunched over his bassinet looking down at him. I heard my son coo. I then heard the child softly say to my son, "Shh." I noticed too that this child was rocking his bassinet.
The child looked to be anywhere from 5 to 7 years of age.
I blinked, not believing I was really seeing what I was seeing.
I poked my husband who said, "What?" I didn't say a word, I only pointed to our son's bassinet. My husband immediately saw what I saw, so he sat up and said, "What the...?" He and I both sat there for a few seconds watching this child rock our son's bassinet. We both heard her humming softly to him.
All of a sudden, she looked up at my husband and I and then simply disappeared. My husband and I just both sat there still staring at the bassinet, in shock at what we had just seen.
My husband was the first to speak and said, "What the fuck was that, no, better yet, who the hell was that?"
Our son began to stir again so I got up out of bed to pick him up. As I sat down in the bed with my son in my arm's I said, "I have no idea."
Our son began to stir again so I got up out of bed to pick him up. As I sat down in the bed with my son in my arm's I said, "I have no idea."
Then, given another experience that our younger daughter had while living back at my parent's home, my husband asked me, "Do you think it's little Ruth?" I told my husband that I was just about to say the very same thing.
Ruth is an older cousin of mine that was killed in a car accident at the age of 7. My younger daughter had reported seeing her in her bedroom at night.
Was it her? I really don't know. My husband and I talked a lot about what we saw that night, and we both saw the same thing.
I have to admit, we both found it comforting to know that there was someone obviously concerned about our baby boy and who was quite possibly watching over him.
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