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Sunday, May 5, 2013

~A Psychic Experience/Impression~

I have always loved the era of the pioneer times, as well as the Victorian era. I absolutely love primitive homes and their antique furnishings. 

I can not explain it, but I have always loved visiting one of the heritage museums here in my city. It is set up like a small town, and it is a re-creation of life in 19th century, and gives an idea of how rural life looked in the early-to-mid-19th century here.

The village consists of numerous 19th century historic buildings and homes, decorated in the style of the 1800s with period furnishings. It is operated by historical interpreters and craftspeople housed in the restored buildings. The site also features historical re-enactments

As a child I visited often with my family while on summer vacation, or with my class while on a field trip. I always found that even as a child I loved the homes and the furnishings. I have always felt drawn to this time of history. Being in the village and in the homes always felt like I was truly "home".

During the summer of 2005, my husband and I took our children there. In some of the homes, during my many visits throughout my life, I have often "sensed" feelings. The feelings however are usually feelings of happiness, sometimes sadness but nothing that bothers me.

During my visit in '05 however, upon entering one of the historical homes, I immediately felt a little uneasy. 

We proceeded through the bottom floor of the house and proceeded up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs I sensed a horrible feeling of utter sadness and something very sinister.

At the top of the stairs I felt very uneasy and wanted to immediately leave. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I said, "Let's go," to my husband and he said, "Wait, I want to see the rooms."  I told him I had seen enough. He simply said, "Come on," and took me by the hand.

We looked in the rooms and I continually had this horribly strong sense of uneasiness. I turned and told my husband I would meet him outside.

Passing the lady on the lower floor who was standing by the front door that worked at the Pioneer Village and dressed in the typical clothing of that time, I was tempted to say, "Did you know this house is haunted?" 

I wanted to ask her if she's ever had anyone complain of anything going on in the house, but of course I didn't for fear of her thinking I was totally nuts.

My husband and my kids met up with me outside and I told him how I felt, that there is a very strong presence in that house.  My husband of course didn't sense anything.  I felt it centering a lot around the cradle in the main bedroom, it just made me feel very uneasy.

I have actually not been back since that visit, but I am very interested to see if on my next visit I sense anything while in that home again.

I have since learned from a paranormal web-site by the name of Toronto & Ontario Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society, that many other people have also experienced similar feelings while being in that historic house.

I also discovered that many other people have also felt that the feelings had something to do with the cradle in the upstairs bedroom of the home. 


The historical home where I had my experience

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


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