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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

~Dimes From Heaven For My Husband~

My husband has always enjoyed hearing my stories about my many experiences with seeing "ghosts/spirits", and deceased loved ones, even long before we were married.  

I was hesitant for a long time about sharing my many stories and experiences with him for fear he would think I was completely crazy.  But he was actually quite fascinated with all of it.  

He's the type of person that had never really given all that much thought into the topic of life after death.  While he wasn't all that certain, he did believe more or less that when someone dies, their soul goes somewhere. And while he didn't know exactly what to believe, he did believe that there is some type of a heaven that we all go to when we die.

My husband, while finding the topic of the paranormal interesting, had never really bothered to read all that much about it or watch any shows, movies etc.  Since being with me however, he has developed a very strong interest in the topic and enjoys reading about it, or watching shows, movies, videos etc.

He has always eagerly listened to my stories about my experiences, as well as the experiences some of my family members have had.  And because of my admitted fear that he would think I was crazy, he teases me and tells me that I am crazy, but that he loves me anyway.

He also very affectionately refers to me as his "little fruitcake" (meaning I'm crazy). 

One night I was talking with him about the many personal accounts from people I have read about in books, and from Internet sites, that state their loved ones have communicated with them after death, and the many ways in which loved ones can and do communicate from the other side.  

I told him about people asking their deceased loved one for a sign to let them know that they're okay and still with them.  The "sign" could be anything from leaving pennies to seeing a specific type of bird turn up, or to seeing a certain type of butterfly etc.  

I then started telling him that his mother (who is deceased), is probably still very much with him and that just to test the theory, he should ask her for a sign, to send something, or leave something around so that he notices it.  

My husband's interest was peaked and he said, "Really?"  I told him, "Yeah, why not?  What have you got to lose?"  I then told him, "Tell your mom to leave pennies around, or better yet, something that's not so typical, how about dimes?"  He simply said, "Yeah."  

So, being the crazy one I am, I asked out into the room that only he and I were in, calling his mom by her name and said, "I know you love your son and are very much with him.  Can you send him a sign to let him know that everything I'm telling him is not simply crazy?  Leave dimes wherever he goes, nice new shiny ones.  Make sure it's obvious so that he will notice them too. He does not notice anything, so you'll have to be really obvious."  I then turned to him and said, "Right?"  He laughed and said, "Right."  

And I'm serious when I say he doesn't notice anything.  Actually the correct description would be that he doesn't see anything that he's looking for.  Numerous times he's asked me where something is, only to have me tell him where it is and of course he'll look there and say it's not there.  I'll look, and it's there, only it was behind something, or underneath something.  He's horrible when it comes to looking for anything.  

Almost a week after asking his mom to give him a sign, I received a phone call from him in the middle of the day.  I answered the phone and as soon as I heard his voice I immediately knew something was wrong.  He sounded shaken and upset.  I asked him if everything was okay.  He said, "I've never doubted the stuff you've told me, but I've just never had any of it happen to me."  He then said, "I'm not sure what to think", and then he went on to tell me, "This past week, since you asked my mom about leaving dimes everywhere, I've been seeing dimes everywhere."  I laughed and said, "Aww hun, see? I told you."  

He then said, "Well, at first I was just seeing them on the ground and stuff, but then I even started finding dimes on the windshield of my truck." (referring to his work vehicle). Then he said, "I just got back in my truck and there was a dime on the passenger seat beside me, yet it was not there when I got out of the truck, and I know that for a fact because I placed my notepad and time sheets on the seat before I got out of the truck."  

He then told me that he had been seeing dimes on the floor of his truck, not only in the front where he sits to drive, but in the back of his truck where he keeps all of his tools.  He was finding them on the shelves in the back of his truck too.  Then he said, "And what's weird about it is that they're all shiny dimes, and the year on all of them is the same."  I asked him what date it was and he said the year his mom died.  He sounded rather choked up. I knew he was touched by it all.

I was so happy for him.  He asked his mom for a sign (okay, it wasn't exactly him, I asked for him), but his mom let him know she was listening.

I know there are many people that would look for other reasons and chalk most of it up to mere coincidence, but that is their opinion.  I do not doubt that his mom is very much still with him and heard our plea.  And to let him know that she is still very much with him, she gave him the sign we asked for.  

I also know that my husband, who wasn't a staunch believer in all of this stuff thinks a lot differently now.  He doesn't doubt for a single moment that our loved ones can and do communicate with us even after death, and he believes very much that it was his mom giving him a sign.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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