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Sunday, May 12, 2013

~A Sign From Nana & Papa~

I believe that our loved ones that have passed away are always with us, and should we need them, they are not far.

One only needs to make yourself aware and watch for signs, and you will see that they do communicate with us.

While they may not appear and stand directly in front of us, talking to us and giving us the answers we seek, they very much do communicate with us, if only we would pay attention and listen.

I had gone through a very harrowing time for a few years, and my health was suffering for it.  I was trying to better not only my physical health, but my mental and emotional health as well.  If felt however that my efforts were futile.  I was physically and emotionally exhausted.  I was starting to feel like simply giving up.

But, rather than cave in and simply give up; since I'm not the type to easily throw in the towel, I asked for a sign.

I am not the religious type, I would label myself as more of a highly spiritual person.  I do pray and talk to God in times of solitude and ask for and seek His/(Her?)guidance. I will also ask for guidance from my deceased loves ones.

It was during this trying time in my life that one night while laying in my bed by myself, I spoke out into the darkness and asked my grandparents, my "Nana and Papa", if they were still with me.

My husband had fallen asleep with our youngest son in his bed.  So, while laying all alone in my bedroom I began telling my grandparents about what was going on in my life.

I told them that I really needed some reassurance, some guidance.  I asked them to give me a sign that I was on the right path and that things were going to be okay, and that I was going to get better.  

I asked them to please send me a big, white, fluffy white feather.  I asked for the softest, fluffiest looking feather that they could find.

I told my husband the following morning about my "talk" with my grandparents.

A couple of days passed, and I still had not received any sign.

While my life is very busy and I don't have as much time to myself as I would like, when I do find the time, I like to relax by meditating.

I find that listening to Gregorian chanting monks is very relaxing.  I own a few meditation c.d's but at that time had misplaced them and could not find them.

So, one evening, while my husband was out running some errands and picking up a few grocery items from our local Wal-Mart, I asked him to check out the c.d section and to please pick me up a meditation or relaxation c.d.  My husband being the sweetheart he is said, "Sure, no problem."

He arrived home and handed me a Wal-Mart bag.  I opened the bag to find not just one, but two c.d's for relaxing and/or meditating.  I gave my husband a big kiss and thanked him. 

I eagerly opened up the first c.d, and when I opened it, I immediately noticed that on the inside sleeve was a picture of the biggest, fluffiest white feather I had ever seen.

I smiled and then began to cry.  I gave a thank you to my beloved Nana and Papa, and then called to my husband to "come here", so I could show him that I received my sign.

"We only part to meet again."
~John Gay 1685-1732~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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